Workplace Programs

Break through to greater inclusion and success in your workplace

NCCJ’s workplace programs equip people with the knowledge and tools they need to create more inclusive spaces by impacting heads, hearts, and hands. 

  • Head – Sessions offer theory and models for understanding diversity, inclusion, and equity at deeper levels. Theoretical underpinnings are based on the most up-to-date research about demographics, diversity, inclusion, and equity issues.  
  • Heart – Participants have a chance to explore their own feelings, experiences and stories, along with the feelings, experiences, and stories of their peers.  
  • Hand – Participants begin to develop concrete tools, skills, and strategies they can use to make changes in their workplace community and the community overall. 

Through building self-awareness and social awareness, participants develop advocacy skills and knowledge they need to take informed action in creating more inclusive organizations.  

  • Self-awareness: We guide participants in a reflective exploration of their “social location” (the intersection of gender, race, ethnic background, language, education and various other social and cultural identities that shape one’s identity and expression). and the nature of relationships to self, family, friends, and community.  
  • Social awarenessWhile exploring and reflecting on self-identity, participants engage in experiential exercises to raise awareness of social justice issues in contemporary society.  

We work with organizations of all types and sizes, from law firms to healthcare providers to manufacturers to nonprofit organizations. How can we help your organization move forward? 

Want more information? Have questions about program options or cost? Email Savannah Knoble, NCCJ’s operations director

Menu of Programs

Here are NCCJ’s most-requested workplace programs:

  • Exploring Bias and Identity.

    Through exploring the role unconscious bias plays in how we form judgements, make decisions, and establish preferences, participants consider how conditioning, personal views, and Identity impact our ability to foster an inclusive community culture. 

  • Centering DEI in Organizations.

    Participants will consider how they are positioned to promote and establish a DEI culture within their organization, identify where their organization is on their DEI journey and begin mapping out next steps for their organization’s DEI transformation.  

  • Open Minds, Respectful Voices: Nonviolent Communication in the Workplace.

    Participants will come away with a better awarenessof waysidentityand positional powerinform how we enter discussions on sensitivetopics, their own tendencies when engaging in conversations and discussions that causediscomfort and stepsthey mighttake  tosustaintrulyopen and respectfuldialogue intheirpersonal, professional and community relationships.  

Other programs we offer include:  

  • Exploring Stereotypes and Microaggression 

  • Gender Identity and Expression 

Interested in exploring other topics or different formats? Let’s talk. NCCJ can work with you to craft custom workplace programming that fits your group’s needs and interests. Email Savannah Knoble.

Client Testimonials

NCCJ can help your team move toward a place of greater understanding, respect and empathy for one another. But you don’t have to take our word for it.

Here’s what Paige Green, Senior Director of Human Resources at Liberty Hardware, has to say about the impact of NCCJ’s work with the Liberty team:

“When we started our journey to be more diverse, inclusive, and equitable in 2017, NCCJ was one of the first calls I made. The NCCJ team worked to understand our organization, who we are, things we do well, things that are a struggle. They helped me create a tangible plan to move our organization forward.  What’s the result? An organization that is now more diverse than ever before, values the thoughts and ideas of all employees, and has achieved record results, year over year.  Are we ‘there’ yet? – No. There’s more work to be done, but NCCJ has been a great partner every step of the way.”

Chris Lynch, a partner at Wyrick Robbins, had this to say about the impact of NCCJ’s work with his firm:

“Our goal was not to fix any societal problems, but instead to make sure people in our Firm community understood that they were not alone. Michael led us through a series of Firm-wide conversations and smaller group discussions, helping us give voice to our thoughts and questions and clarify our DEI goals. We began to articulate the kind of law firm we want to be, which is a community that is open, affirming, and supportive of people from all backgrounds and perspectives. We know that fostering that kind of community will make our Firm stronger and more creative.”

Cost for Standard Programming

Large Companies (30-100 people) 

Length of Activity  Cost Per Session 
2-hour workshop $1,250 
3-4 hours (half day) workshop $1,875-$2,500 
6-8 hours (full day) workshop $3,750-$5,000 

***Additional fees apply for larger corporations, customization of programs, additional facilitators, travel, and urgency needs. 


Non-Profits & Colleges/Universities  

Length of Activity  Cost Per Session 
2-hour workshop $375 
3-4 hours (half day) workshop $575-$750 
6-8 hours (full day) workshop $1,125-$1,500 

***Additional fees apply for customization of programs, additional facilitators, travel, and urgency needs. 

If you have any questions about cost for your organization, please contact Savannah Knoble ( directly.