Triad workplace DEI Spotlights (2023)

Triad workplace DEI Spotlights (2023)

November 8, 2023
Category: Citation Award Dinner
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Photo grid of DEI Spotlights

NCCJ’s mission of fighting bias, bigotry and racism and building more inclusive and compassionate communities for all of us – not just some of us, is a big mission that takes all of us, and not just some of us, to advance.

At the 2023 Citation Award Dinner, we gave Inclusion level sponsoring organizations the chance to spotlight someone who has gone above and beyond to champion diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”) efforts in their workplace.

Click here to learn more about each of these 21 champions and the work they are doing to advance DEI at the organizations that nominated them for this spotlight.

(Interested in spotlighting someone at your organization at next year’s Citation Award Dinner? Email Erika.)