NCCJ Interfaith Calendars
August 8, 2019
Category: Resource
Tags: Community, Inclusion, Interfaith,

Our community is rich with diversity. Recognizing and respecting the faith traditions of others will help your friends, colleagues and neighbors feel more comfortable being their whole selves. It’s also important to acknowledge and respect those who don’t follow a faith. This is a key step in building more inclusive schools and workplaces.
We hope you’ll find our Interfaith Calendars useful when you’re planning events or scheduling meetings. Selecting inclusive dates helps ensure that your event is welcoming for everyone. You may also find these calendars a helpful learning tool for sparking discussions about different faith practices.
NCCJ’s Interfaith Calendars include holidays and cultural observances for most faith traditions practiced in our community. These include Bahá’í, Buddhist, Christian (Protestant, Orthodox, and Roman Catholic), Hindu, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim, Sikh and Wiccan/Pagan. Because of the great number of religious, ethnic, and cultural groups across the United States, we recognize that this resource does not provide an exhaustive list for all our faith traditions.