The Buffalo shooting is a tragedy. But it’s not a surprise.
May 16, 2022
Category: News
Tags: Community, Community-Building, Equity, Racial Equity, Youth Leadership,

NCCJ grieves alongside the Buffalo community in the wake of the racially motivated mass shooting in Buffalo.
We condemn this hateful and bigoted action fueled by violent white nationalist extremism.
We mourn the lives cut short and hope for the relief of their families and all those who were injured.
What happened in Buffalo is a tragedy.
But it’s not a surprise. Mass shootings and hate crimes are all too common in our society.
This shooting is a painful reminder that white supremacy is dangerous and often lethal. It is a toxic belief system that dehumanizes Black people and other people of color.
White supremacy also harms white people. In this case, two of the victims of this crime are white.
In a way, the shooter was also a victim. That’s because white supremacist beliefs rob people of their humanity by chipping away at their ability to feel empathy and compassion for people who look different from them.
Ultimately, racism hurts everyone. White supremacy hurts everyone. There are no victors; there are only victims.
The shooting in Buffalo is the latest example of overtly expressed hate and prejudice rooted in white supremacy. Such hate harms us all. We call on every community to denounce it, to confront it, and to root it out.
NCCJ exists to counteract bias, bigotry and racism. We are here to help you build bridges of compassion and respect with people who are different from you. We’re here to help you have the difficult but necessary conversations that help us find solutions and move our communities forward.
We offer youth and community programs for people of all ages, from teens to retirees.
You’re invited to learn more about our summer youth camps, Anytown and STARR: Students Talking About Race + Racism. Know any high schools students in North Carolina’s Piedmont Triad region? Talk to them about these camps and help them fill out their applications today.
You are also invited to check out the free, open-to-all community programs we offer. If you’re looking to begin or return to a social justice journey of learning (and unlearning), we encourage you to sign up for our self-paced, email-based program – The Reset.